Kik, Kik Messenger, kik news

Cards from Kik are a way for people to follow the latest updates on celebrities or news and can also include games or Kik Messenger social features. There are a growing number of these HTML5 cards available (including our own, accessible by searching Kik for “TruTower”) so it’s important to keep your favorites within easy access.

Kik cards, kik me, kikme

One way to do this is by adding them to your Favorites. When you first access the side menu in Kik by utilizing the slider you’re presented with a screen much like the one you see in the screenshot at left (of course, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got the latest version of Kik on your device). You’ll then see two gray labels at the top: Favorites and Edit.

Obviously, the Favorites option won’t do anything when it’s tapped, but tapping the Edit option will result in a screen like the one on the right, allowing you to move Cards between the Recent and Favorites sections.

kik app, kik cards, kik names

When you’re at this screen, simply tap and hold on the hamburger symbol (the three horizontal lines on the right next to the “X” button) and then drag it up to Favorites. Finally, simply tap Done at the top of the screen. In the screenshot below, you can see that TruTower Mini has been added to our Favorites by using this method.

Kik me, kik users, kik friends

Adding Cards to your Favorites also ensures that they’ll still be there the next time you perform a Kik app update, restore your device to factory settings, or change devices.

From this menu, you can also easily share the Cards with your friends. Tapping and holding on a Kik Card will result in two options: Share via Kik and Delete, as shown in the screenshot on the right. The first will allow you to share the Card with any of your Kik friends so that they, too, can enjoy its contents. The other permanently deletes it from your Favorites and Recent menus.

Kik social, kik pals, kik team

Other ways to share include in-app share buttons, like the one in TruTower Mini as shown above, or by clicking the “Forward” option in any Kik conversation in which you’ve had a Card shared with you. Either way you choose to do it, you’re ensuring that Kik Cards will continue to be a bigger part of the messaging experience for you and your Kik friends. And, when you’re ready for more fun, be sure to add even more friends to your list!

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By Josh Robert Nay

Josh Robert Nay is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of TruTower. He has worked in the telecommunications industry since 2003 and specializes in GSM based technology. He also uses (too many) VoIP apps and is a long-time user of BlackBerry, Android, and Windows Phone. He adores anything having to do with space exploration and writing. In addition to the links below, he can be found on LinkedIn and can also be found on his website at